The Prophets sublime poetry, phantasmagoric visions, and sonorous voices have intrigued us and moved us over the centuries. The writings of the great seers of the Hebrew Bible resonate with us in ways that go beyond our own short lives, tapping in to a human consciousness that transcends our age. How do we understand them? How do we appreciate them? Nahum HaLevi has painted the prophetic visions in unified, loud, and explosively colorful visual-literary canvases, which he has then retranslated back into fresh literary-biblical analyses, providing novel understandings of the Bible and insights into the genesis of biblical thought. The Color of Prophecy contains fifteen chapters, one chapter for each of the fifteen books in the Prophets. Each chapter is accompanied by a copy of an original oil painting and the biblical analysis derived from it. This book addresses those who have an interest in the visual arts, the Bible, or both. Although it is a Jewish-inspired book, it strikes a universal chord and broadly appeals to Jews, Christians, and those of all faiths who share a common love of the Bible and art.